RNC email dump: Rove Kids deep in USAgate
Hoo boy. And it's not even Friday yet.Looks like our friends in the White House just found some more emails. These are RNC server emails, and show that Rove's top aids, Sarah Taylor and Scott Jennings,...
View ArticleAid to Pakistan: Not One Dime for Common Sense
The US reputation, in both the mid-east and the world as a whole, is terrible.But look - we have a chance to redeem ourselves! A killer typhoon has hit Pakistan, 1.5 million people were affected, with...
View ArticlePower of the Purse: Just as good as Executive Power
This (via TPM), from today's hearing on Libby Clemency: Republicans angrily derided the hearing as a partisan stunt that could accomplish nothing, since the president has inherent constitutional...
View ArticleNY Times: FISA law was a wider power grab
Remember how Bush rammed through a FISA reform bill in just five days? Remember how just when the Dems thought they had a deal Lucy - er, Bush - pulled the football? Remember how there wasn't enough...
View ArticleHyping al Qaeda in Iraq, The Anbar Awakening and the Surge
The administration is trotting out a shiny new narrative on Iraq: Petraus's Anbar Awakening has brought around the Sunni Tribes, who are now our allies in a battle against the wicked excesses of Al...
View ArticleMore Doolittle Subpoenas!
The Sacramento Bee and the AP (via TPM) are reporting more subpoenas for CA-R Congressman John Doolittle.Rep. John Doolittle said Thursday that the Justice Department has issued subpoenas to him and...
View ArticleMukasey: The Difference between a Horse Trader and a Horse's A**
TPM is reporting - you're not going to believe this!According to sources inside and outside the Democratic leadership, Harry Reid allowed a vote on Mukasey because in exchange the Republican leadership...
View ArticleWeather for Primary Day: Hard Rain's Gonna Fall
Just when you think you've got everything stratergized out...Monster Storm ComingA strong cold front in the central states Sunday morphs into a wild storm for the South, Midwest and East early week....
View ArticleFor Martin, 1929-1968
This song is 20 years old. Sad, that it's still so apt... In a still, small voice in the middle of the night brother Martin heard the simple truth And he followed its pleading thought it led to a...
View ArticleDiplomacy and Date Rape (NOT a candidate diary!)
Matthew Yglesias writes: I was on a radio show last night where I wound up in a debate about whether or not diplomacy was likely to be able to resolve the Iranian nuclear issue in a satisfactory...
View ArticleUpdated: Early Kentucky numbers looking good for Obama
Kos has started the front page thread, so I'm moving over to there. Thanks for joining me for the early chat....Last update: This could be a fluke, but...According to the SOS office, as it stands 11...
View ArticleRangel: New York Delegation Unanimous for Obama!
In a press conference a few minutes ago, NY Congressman Charles Rangel, one of Hillary's key supporters, brought the entire New York delegation on board for Obama: The Harlem Democrat said the...
View ArticleFISA: Are we suffering from a Nov 3, 2008 Mindset?
Okay, my hair has been on fire as much as anyone's here the past couple of days.I couldn't believe that after all we had been through, the Congressional Dems were caving yet again.And I couldn't...
View ArticleDrill, Nancy, Drill?
(Cross-posted at Ecoble.com)You may well be wondering - why the heck is Nancy Pelosi pushing through a bill that allows for offshore drilling? Isn't that against everything we're supposed to stand for?...
View ArticleThink Green This Thanksgiving
All we have to do this year is look toward Washington, DC, and we've got tons of stuff to be thankful for...But as we officially enter the season of holiday cheer, holiday shopping and holiday excess,...
View ArticleDoes the Pill Kill the Environment?
(Crossposted at Red Green and Blue)The American Life League has a new campaign launching this weekend to try to convince women not to use the birth control pill. For "Protest the Pill Day 2010" on...
View ArticleBreaking: Graham won't support climate bill
(Cross-posted at Red Green and Blue)The Washington Independent reports that Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) won't support his own climate bill that he's spent months developing with John Kerry (D-MA) and...
View ArticleDon't Put Oil on your BBQ
(Crossposted at RedGreenAndBlue.org)It's a glorious summer weekend, and folks all over are firing up their grills. But before you shop, maybe you should think twice about what you're putting on the...
View ArticleSenate Dems Meet on Climate Bills, Accomplish Nada
Big surprise there.The US Senate, the world's greatest high school debate squad, continues to fiddle on the climate and energy bills. And while oil gushes into the Gulf, and we enjoy the warmest spring...
View ArticleBP Pressure Test Results "Disappointing"
(Crossposted at FailDrill.com)Despite the glowing headlines proclaiming "Gulf Oil Stops Flowing", we're not out of the woods yet.In a conference call this afternoon, retired Coast Guard Admiral Thad...
View ArticleGlobal Warming: 'Cool It' Documentary Re-examines the Inconvenient Truth
(From RedGreenAndBlue.org)Bjorn Lomborg’s documentary, “Cool It”, opens today. Claiming to take a middle ground between climate deniers on the right and fearmongers on the left, it could be a...
View ArticleCoal Company Refused Changes That Would Have Cost $0.55 a Ton
Fifty five cents a ton.That’s how little the changes would have cost Arch Coal company to implement – changes that would have slashed the environmental impact of its mountaintop removal (MTR) Spruce...
View ArticleIs Obama's move to slash big oil's subsidies for real?
(Crossposted at Red Green and Blue)President Obama is making good on his threat to sunset subsidies for big oil. In the 2011 budget he’s proposing to wipe out tax breaks and incentives to the tune of...
View ArticleCanadian Election Results
Final update: My analysis of wtf happened is here - “You have to outrun the bear” and other iron laws of politics" UPDATE 1:00 AM: I think this will be my last update for the evening. Check back for my...
View ArticleClimate causes wars
One of the key questions of our time: If there is climate change, how bad would the effects be?A new study shows that the modest disruption of the El Niño global climate cycle doubles the chance of war...
View ArticleHow green was President Obama's jobs speech?
(Crossposted from Red Green and Blue) Well, he talked the talk. But when it comes to the environment, will President Obama be able to walk the walk?The President addressed Congress last night to...
View ArticleOccupy Wall Street: Citibank was stupid, Chase was smarter
(Crossposted from RedGreenAndBlue.org) By now just about everyone in the country must know that 23 Occupy Wall Street demonstrators were arrested Saturday in Manhattan when they attempted to close...
View ArticleAre Occupy Wall Street's tents free speech? Mayor Bloomberg says no.
What is free speech? According to the Supreme Court, money that corporations spend to influence elections is free speech, and cannot be limited. But it seems a lot of our officials think it's perfectly...
View ArticleThe Reaganization of the Romnibot
Well, could have seen this coming.The media appear to be anointing Romney as the winner of debate #1, just as they anointed Ronald Reagan the winner of his first debate, and Bush II the winner of his...
View ArticleDinesh D'Souza's Binders full of Women... lead to unemployment (his)
If you haven't been following the story, here's a quick summary:Right wing family-values firebrand Dinesh D'Souza has been fired from his cushy sinecure at the evangelical Kings College after he was...
View ArticleI just had a weird push-poll call in Oregon
Well, that was strange.I got a call from a (mumble-mumble-vaguely-political-sounding) firm here in Oregon (sorry, I didn't catch the name).The young lady on the phone said they had a few questions for...
View ArticleWhy does the GOP want you to eat less red meat?
Think the impending sequester won't affect you? Guess again... one result could be a meat shortage, starting in April.Remember all those fun salmonella outbreaks? The FDA has a team of inspectors that...
View ArticleAnyone have spare bed/floor space for Netroots Nation?
I didn't think I'd be able to get to Netroots Nation - but now it looks like I can get there. All I need now is a place to lay my head.Anyone need a roommate? I have $ to contribute. And I'm fine just...
View ArticleBudget agreement! GOP backs down from ransom demands
We finally have a budget agreement.After years of partisan bickering and the GOP pushing the Federal Government into shutdown, lawmakers agreed on a compromise proposal that now goes to the House and...
View ArticleFarm bill compromise agreed to? With only modest gutting of food stamps
Nothing is writ in stone yet, but after literally years of bickering, the House and Senate conferees have agreed on a $1 trillion Farm Billthat would cut some subsidies to agribusiness, while not...
View ArticleKeystone XL - State Department says no major environmental impact (!)
Oh, the chutzpah.An environmental impact statement (written by a consulting firm under investigation for lying about their extensive oil-industry ties) has concluded that the Keystone XL pipeline will...
View ArticleHow do pandering Blue Dogs do? They lose
You know what happens to conservative Democrats who run away from their party, push the party toward the center, and block Democratic objectives in the name of "moderation"?They lose.There were only 19...
View ArticlePerspective on the Immigration Debate: Bush used discretion to NOT file Civil...
Next time the GOP whines about immigration, remind them about the Civil Rights Division in the Bush era Justice Department.You want to talk about "Prosecutorial Discretion" and Presidents deciding how...
View ArticleAt Miami Debate, Kasich tells the GOP that climate change is real (as Rubio...
For the first time in the 2016 Presidential election, a national Republican audience has been told that climate change is real.Whether that will sink in or not remains to be seen. But we can hope.It...
View ArticleWhat's Trump been spending his money on? Fundraising!
He’s not spending it on ads. He’s not spending it on infrastructure. So a lot of us have been wondering… what the heck has Trump been spending money on?Now, thanks to the July FEC filings, we know the...
View ArticleNew poll - Gary Johnson at 16%!
The good news for Libertarian Gary Johnson: Clinton 40%, Trump 31%, Johnson 16%, Stein 4% (PPP)The bad news: That’s a poll of NEW MEXICO.Yes, the State of which Gary Johnson was the GOP GOVERNOR.In...
View ArticleCA-34 Special Primary election results liveblog
It’s been flying under the radar, but today was the first special Congressional election of 2017 — in the heavily Democratic 34th District of California, in the heart of Los Angeles.Update: Here are...
View ArticlePrivatization: Trump's infrastructure "plan" is a sell-off, starting with Air...
Resident Trump says he’s going to spend the next week pushing his so-called infrastructure proposals, which are actually just an excuse to sell off YOUR public assets to his buddies. He’s putting...
View ArticleAt G20, it's G19 vs Trump.
(Cross-posted from RedGREENandBlue.org — Politics and the Environment.)It’s not too late to bring the US back into the global mainstream on climate change action, and with the US outnumbered 19 to 1 at...
View ArticleNaturally, if Trump approves new Arctic drilling, it's got to be a...
It hasn't even been two years since Shell abandoned it's stupid and expensive arctic oil drilling campaign. But the Trump administration - that never met a stupid idea it wasn't gung-ho in favor of -...
View ArticleCan coal baron Don Blankenship go straight from jail to the Senate?
Normally one runs for Senate FIRST and only AFTERWARD goes to jail, but these are not normal times.In yet another sign of the total destruction of norms and even human decency in the Trump era,...
View ArticleTrump admin won't eliminate national monuments (but Bears Ears still on the...
We don't have an official release yet, but word is that NONE of the 27 national monuments under review by the Trump administration will be completely eliminated. But that was always an extreme option,...
View ArticleOil-man Pruitt exits EPA, coal lobbyist Wheeler steps in
Before you start rejoicing that the most ethically and environmentally shady Administrator in the history of the EPA, Scott Pruitt, is facing the final curtain, keep in mind who is standing in the...
View ArticleCongress tries, fails, to destroy ANOTHER national monument
Just days after it was revealed that the Trump administration had explicitly slashed 90% of the public land from the Bears' Ears National Monument to benefit mining and oil, the GOP Congress took...
View ArticleGOP members of Climate Solutions Caucus lose big in blue wave - who's left,...
Congressman Carlos Curbelo's Florida district is getting swamped by the rising seas of climate change. Likewise, he and half the GOP members of the Bipartisan Climate Solutions Caucus he founded were...
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